I decided last night that today I wanted to feel like I looked nice. I
had nowhere special to go – my outings were to consist of giving the boyf a
lift to work and popping to a shop for a craft supply. No reason to look nice
at all. I just wanted to.
So last night (or should I say this morning) I got less than
an hour sleep. The reason for this is two-pronged. Firstly, I had a day off
work yesterday so I wasn’t exhausted, and I struggle to fall asleep when I’ve
not been both physically and mentally drained. Secondly I drank far too much
Pepsi Max and Diet Coke throughout the day, and my body accumulated enough
caffeine-goodness to keep my mind whirring for daayyysss.

Nevertheless, I woke up a bit earlier than necessary so that
I would have enough time to curl my hair and apply a little make-up. My hair is
currently in an awkward growing out phase and I can never count on it to look
good, but curling it is the best shot I have at the moment and I think it went
in my favour. Until I went outside in the rain of course so my curls dropped a
bit and it got slightly frizzy, but it wasn’t too bad. (see accidental artsy photo of my hair post-rain)

Then onto my outfit. It only constitutes of two pieces but I
felt like they were a good match. The jumper is by Jones New York that I picked
up in TKMaxx a few weeks ago and even though it’s a knit jumper and we’re in
August, it is Wales and therefore a rainy day of around 15
֯C. I love the colour of it, the curved hem and as quite a tall
person I really appreciate the length on the arms!

I teamed my knit with a pair of white chinos from Next that
I got last year. They are a wonderfully comfortable, soft fabric and in Long
Leg they are once again plentiful for my limb length. On closer inspection it
may not have been wise to wear white trousers out on a rainy and windy day but
due to my lack of exciting errands to run today I wasn’t out for very long and
they remain white (for now!).

I’m now still cosy in my jumper binge watching Gossip Girl
(currently on season 4) and working on some string art for a friend.
Happy Thursday!
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