*Long post alert!*
I spend a lot of my time binge watching Tv Series after TV
Series so narrowing a list down to only 10 was actually pretty difficult for
me. I’m sure I’ll come back to this list at some point and think of great
programmes that I’ve left out but for now here are 10 great shows in no
particular order that you should definitely watch!
Gilmore Girls
The story of a woman named Lauralei and her daughter
Laurelai (Rory for short) in a friendly town in America. The sarcastic humour
levels are top notch and I want to live in their world. There are 7 seasons of
22 episodes, plus they recently made a 4-part mini season set ten years later
called A Year In The Life which still isn’t enough Gilmore goodness for my
liking! I’m currently re-watching this on Netflix and enjoying every second.
An oldie but goodie. A great comedy surrounding a group of 6
friends and their lives in New York, mostly focusing on grabbing a coffee in
Central Perk Café. This ran for a wonderful 10 years comprising of 10 seasons
with 18-24 episodes a piece. I’m fairly certain I’ve watched every episode of
Friends, but definitely not in the right order! I used to catch them as and
when on E4 after school. My old best friend had the entire box set and I vow to
get it one day.
The Big Bang Theory
Another E4 favourite.
Maybe I used to watch E4 too often. Anyway… Initially this focuses on two
physicists who are roommates and becomes about their whole friendship group
which slowly expands throughout the series. Another great comedy which is about
to commence it’s 11th series.
Doctor Who
I’m not going to claim to be an avid enough fan to have
watched the originals, but I picked it up when they brought it back for series
9 with Christopher Eccleston. My favourite Doctor was David Tennant (cliché I
know), but sadly I lost interest at Peter Capaldi. But I vow to correct this
and get up to date with it all.
Orange is the New Black
This is a Netflix series following a woman named Piper who
gets sent to prison years after her crime and ends up in the same place as her
partner in crime, who is also her ex-girlfriend. The latest series deals a lot
with the political and ethical side of prison like and all cliques band
together to stick it to the man. So far we are up to Season 5 but more are in
the pipeline, and I actually featured this in my Summer Favourites Post. Hard hitting and comedic all in one.
Once Upon a Time
Who doesn’t love a fairytale? Especially all the fairytales
rolled into one magical world. Once Upon a Time tells the story of characters
such as Snow White, Rumplestiltskin, Peter Pan and Pinochio as they travel
between their fairytale land and a ‘normal’ modern world – sometimes intentionally,
sometimes because of a vicious curse (damn the Evil Queen). Henry, Snow White’s
grandson, hunts down his biological mother Emma in New York City to come and
save them all from their fate. Earlier this year they finished their 6th
Season. Season 7 is set to appear in a few weeks time but will be a retelling
of the story in a new generation of characters.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Funny. So much funny. Based at a Police Department focusing
on a goofy character named Jake and the relationships and interactions between
the members of the team. I laugh hysterically the whole way through every
episode. Season 5 is starting later this month.
13 Reasons Why
This is such an emotive series about a high school student
who took her own life and left cassette tapes for those who had a part in her
decision making and why. Emotions run high, especially between those who have
listened to the tapes as they anticipate the actions of those yet to hear. Very
heart wrenching and makes you think twice about the way you speak to or treat
Netflix Marvel Series’
This is a bit of a cheat because it incorporates a few different
programmes. Netflix have produced one season each for Jessica Jones, Daredevil,
Luke Cage and The Iron Fist, and then a season called The Defenders in which
all four characters meet and fight a common enemy together. Great action and
comedy series’ to get stuck into.
RuPaul’s Drag Race
Last and by no means least is RuPaul’s Drag Race. This was
introduced to me a couple of years ago by my brother’s then-girlfriend. When I
first started watching it I couldn’t quite grasp what was going on and I
thought it was mega weird, but after 2 episodes I was hooked! It’s basically a
reality TV competition where Drag Queens complete weekly challenges and then
walk in a Cat Walk show with one Queen being voted off each week. The bottom
two Queens in each show have to Lip Sync for their life before RuPaul declares
which Queen stays and which Queen has to Sashay Away. It’s a great easy watch –
very entertaining! It is currently in it’s 9th Season.
I’m sorry that was such a long post! But I love every
programme on this list so do check some of them out and let me know if you
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