Here doth lie a list of 5 that wind me up no end!
1. Should Of / Would Of / Could Of
It’s HAVE. The correct word is HAVE.
Ok, so this is the grammar nazi coming out in me, and these
days I’m much better at holding my tongue when I hear it (or my fingers when I
see it) but it reeeeaaallllyyyy bugs me that people get this wrong. Sorry. Not
2. Manners
This is mostly in the way of the service provider/client
So the other day I was in a clothes shop and I saw a staff
member coming towards me with a big rail of clothing and we wouldn’t both fit
through the gap so I waited til she passed. And there was zero acknowledgement.
She had a grumpy expression on her face and just kept walking as though I was
invisible. Now I appreciate that she may be having a bad day or might have
something on her mind and of course I don’t expect a big ego-soothing
celebration of my kindness, but while you’re at work it is part of your duty to
at the very least acknowledge your customer with a ‘thank you’, a smile, a nod,
a look – anything! Please.
3. Walking on Pavements
Ok so obviously walking on pavements is not a pet peeve of
mine, but groups that all walk side by side in a line taking up the whole width
of the pavement is. Especially when none of them move out of the way when you
approach them! Too often I find myself having to walk on the road or stop
behind a bin or squash up against a wall and it is not ok! So I guess this is
really an extension of my Manners point but it’s very important.
4. Leaving Group Chats
Again the heading is slightly misleading because I do not
have a problem with people leaving group chats that they don’t want to be a
part of. It just frustrates me when the conversation has come to an end and the
annoying notifications have subsided, and then someone leaves the group which
generates a new notification, and then more people jump on the bandwagon and
all the notifications start over again and it’s so pointless because there was
no more chat but everyone is creating more annoyance for nothing and it drives
me crazyyyyy.
5. Not Wiping Gel Off
So this is specific to the job I do and therefore not many people
are gunna get it, but it majorly angers me! So I’m a midwife and we use CTG
machines on women’s abdomens to monitor babies which require gel. What bugs me
about all of this is that some of my colleagues don’t wipe the gel off the
monitor after it’s been used. My first problem with this is selfish – I hate
the cold and consistency of the gel and I end up accidentally sticking my hands
in it when I come across an un-wiped one and it’s so disgusting it sends
shivers down my spine. My second problem with this is for the patients – isn’t
in gross to have another woman’s belly gel stuck onto yours? Ew. I wouldn’t
want that and no one else should have to and I don’t know why those few
colleagues don’t see that! Blech.
So what are some of your pet peeves? Let me know in the
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