Today I have for you a list of 5 things that I absolutely love and could win my heart in seconds!
Books. Films. Clothing. I love it all. If someone came along
and was like “hey, wanna watch a HP movie marathon?” I’d be like “sign me up!
Let’s be best friends!” Haha. If you’ve seen one of my recent posts you’ll see I
love buying HP merch (thank you Primark). Also in a couple of weeks I have a
Harry Potter filled weekend. On the Saturday we’re going to London with the
boyf’s friends to see Harry Potter and The Cursed Child and I am so excited. Of
course I have read the book but I will definitely be re-reading it the few days
beforehand. Then on the Sunday one of my friends is coming to Cardiff to watch
a viewing of the Philosopher’s Stone on a big screen at the castle. I cannot
Diet Coke
My mind instantly went to food when I thought about this
post. I live for food. And sadly most of the time it’s unhealthy food. My
favourite meals are of the Italian persuasion: pizzas and lasagne. Delicious. I
also love sweet treats like white chocolate, toffee ice cream, or homemade
scones from my Gran. Luckily I do love some healthy things like tomatoes,
cucumber, strawberries, grapes and melon.
Now I’m hungry.
Harry Potter

A Campfire
Something I love - but don’t do very often - is sit around a
fire with a group of good friends, wearing a big cosy hoodie, laughing the
night away. Fortunately this summer I have been to a few barbeques which have
turned to fire pits and laughter. And fireworks night is another great
opportunity for this so I’m definitely looking forward to that!
Disney Songs
So while we’re sat around the fire can we be singing Disney
songs please? I have a mix CD in my car that a friend made me years ago that
has a couple of great Disney tracks that I frequently still sing along to. Also
one of the boyf’s friends puts Disney Youtube vids up when he’s been drinking
and we have a big singalong which is loads of fun!
Diet Coke
I got to the first 4 on this list pretty quickly, but I was
racking my brain for ages trying to pick the perfect number 5 to finish it off.
I have no idea why it took so long for me to remember that I practically live
off Diet Coke! I happened to be pouring myself a glass of it at the time… I can
drink litres of the stuff every day. And yes, I know that it is bad for me, but
I am mildly addicted to the stuff and whilst I have tried to quit it a few
times I am yet to successfully kick the habit.
I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little bit better!
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